Curriculum Vitae
Academic Positions
Since Septembre 2021
Institute for European Global Studies (University of Basel)
Associated Researcher
Since September 2015
1st Class Professor in Economics
Since September 2012
Université de Dauphine
Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation (DIAL)-UMR 225
Laboratoire d’économie de Dauphine (LEDa)
Since April 2017
Centre de Recherche en Économie de Sciences Po (OFCE)
Sciences Po (Paris)
Affiliate researcher
August 2017 - July 2019
Banque de France, service du Diagnostic conjoncturel de la direction de la conjoncture et des prévisions macroéconomique (Direction générale des Statistiques, des Études et de l’International)
September 2008 - April 2017
Centre de Recherche en Économie de Sciences Po (OFCE)
Sciences Po (Paris)
Associate researcher
September 2008-August 2012
Université Lille-I
Professor in Economics
Member of EQUIPPE (EA 4018)
2002 to August 2008
Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Économiques (OFCE)
Sciences Po (Paris)
Economist at the “Economics of globalization” department
Edinburgh University
Department of Economic and Social History
Temporary lecturer
Chaire Finances Internationales
Sciences Po (Paris)
Associate researcher
Stanford University (Economics department)
Lecturer and post-doctorate
London School of Economics and Political Science/ Christie’s
Researcher (National Service)
Prizes and grants
2018 Third call for the «Governance Analytics» project (PSL,
2018-2023 «PORTs & Information and Communication Sciences and Technology, Querying and visualizing eighteenth-century shipping and trade dynamics in the digital era (PORTIC)» 4-year ANR funded project. Main investigator : Silvia Marzagalli (Nice) Investigator
2014-2017 «Transformations of the French Economy through the Lens of International Trade, 1716-1821 (TOFLIT18)» (
4-year ANR funded project (250 000€)
Main investigator
2014-2017 Member of the Leverhulme Trust International Network – ‘Economic Outcomes Flowing from the Revolutionary Napoleonic Wars, 1793-1815’ (Ref: IN-2014-026)
Main investigator: Patrick O’Brien
2010 : BQR Université de Lille-I: Intégration Européenne au XVIIIe siècle
2009 : BQR Université de Lille-I: Migrations et commerce intérieur
2009-2012 Part of the team awarded a grant by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche on : Comptes et profits marchands d’Europe et d’Amérique, 1750-1815 (MARPROF ; Main investigator: Pierre Gervais
2006-2009 Part of the team awarded a grant by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche on:
Comprendre la mondialisation commerciale (1830-2005) (RICARDO ; Head: Marc Flandreau)
2003 Finalist for the thesis prize of the European Historical Economics Society
2001 Thesis prize of the Association Française de Science Économique
1996 Awarded a three-year PhD grant by Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) – European Program
Academic activities
Administrative responsibilities
2024-now: Director of the DIAL axis in LEDa
2024-now: President of the “Comité Éthique de Recherche” (IRB) in University Paris Dauphine-PSL
2023-now: Member of the « Conseil de DIAL » in CNRS, IRD and University Paris Dauphine-PSL
2021-2024: Member of the “Comité Éthique de Recherche” (IRB) in University Paris Dauphine-PSL
2018-2021, 2023-now: Member of the «Commission Consultative Représentative» (in charge of hiring) of the LEDA
2014-2022: Member of «Conseil de Département LSO» in University Paris-Dauphine
2017-2020: Member of the «Conseil de Laboratoire du LEDA» in University Paris-Dauphine
2017-2018 : Member of the «Conseil d’UMR DIAL» in University Paris-Dauphine & IRD
2014-2016: Membre de la commission de réflexion sur la réforme pédagogique LSO
2013-2016: Member of the CEVU in University Paris-Dauphine
2013-2016: Member of the «Conseil de Documentation» in University Paris-Dauphine
Search Committees
2018: Member of the search committee for Professeur des Universités in History, Université Paris-I
2017: Member of the search committee for Professeur des Universités in Economics, Université Paris-Dauphine
2016: Member of the search committee for Professeur des Universités in Economics, Université de Nancy
2015: Co-organizer of the search committee for Professeur des Universités in Economics, Université Paris-Dauphine
2015: Member of the search committee for Maître de Conférence in Economics, Université Lille-I
2014: President of the search committee for Professeur des Universités in Economics, Université Paris-Dauphine
2014: Member of the search committee for Maître de Conférence in Economics, Université Paris-8 2014: Member of the search committee for Maître de Conférence in Economics, Université Paris-Sud
2013: Member of the search committee for Assistant Professors in Economics, Dauphine
2009: Member of the search committee for Maître de Conférence in Economics, Université Lille-I
Editorial responsibilities
2012-now: Member of the Comité de lecture of Histoire et Mesure
2011-now : Member of the editorial board of the AFHE web site
2008-now: Editor of the histoire_eco mailing list
2011-2015: Member of the editorial board of Explorations in Economic History
Organisation of academic conferences and seminars
2024: Young Researchers Day of the AFHE link
2016-2022: Member of the organising committee for the successful Parisian bid for hosting the 2021/2022 World Economic Conference. link
2017 : International Trade and the Economy, 1600-1870. Program and report
2016 : Classifying international trade before 1945, SciencesPo, Paris Program
2014 : Early Trade Statistics, OFCE, Paris Program
2012 : Session on international trade statistics between 1700 and 1830 at the 2012 World Economic History Conference, Stellenbosch
2012 : Session on Commodity Chains in the First Period of Globalization at the Nineth European Social Science History conference at Glasgow University (with Loïc Charles, Werner Scheltjens and Philipp Roessner)
2011 : Session on international trade statistics between 1700 and 1830 at the third ENIUGH Congress, London
2011 : Workshop on international trade statistics between 1700 and 1830, Lille (Program)
2009-11 :Organisation of the SIUTE seminar at the department EQUIPPE de (Lille-I/Lille-II/Lille-III)
2009: Organization of the Séminaire Parisien d’Histoire Économique with Jérôme Bourdieu, Philippe Minard and Gilles Postel-Vinay.
2007: Paris-X et Chaire Finances Internationales, Journée d’étude sur l’histoire des marchés Avec Vincent Bignon
2006: OFCE, Journées d’étude sur le commerce international (janvier et octobre)
2003: Annual AFSE conference, Member of the program committee
Scientific associations
2016 to 2019: President of the Association Française d’Histoire Économique
2007 to now: Member of the comité directeur of the AFHE
Referee work
Annales Histoire Sciences Sociales, Comparative Economic Studies, ECB Working Paper Series, Economic Bulletin, Economic History Review, Economic Journal, Économie et Prévision, Économie Internationale, European Review of Economic History, Explorations in Economic History, Food & History, Histoire et Mesure, Histoire, Économie et Société, Historical Methods, International Journal of Maritime History, Israel Science Foundation, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economic History, Journal of International Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Revue d’économie politique, Revue de l’OFCE, Revue des Sciences de Gestion, Revue Économique, Review of International Economics, Review of World Economics, TSEG/Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, Scandinavian Review of Economic History, Socio-Economic Review, Southern Economic Journal, UCL Press, World Development
2021-now : Member of the scientific committee of the Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de l a Société at Lille
2020 Expert for the Turkish Academy of Sciences
2019 Expert pour l’Aides aux manifestations scientifiques (AMS) de l’institut des Amériques
2017 Rapporteur candidature EHESS
2013 PEPS expert, CNRS and Université de Bordeaux,
2010-2012 Expert ANR
2011-2012 SHS1 Committee member for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
PhD supervisions:
2023 Capucine Ferré, LEDa (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), “Conflict and Social Capital” with Marion Mercier
2016-2022 (Informal) Co-supervision d’Elisa Maria Tirindelli, Trinity College (Dublin), “Historical Urban Development”, with Ronan Lyons
Other supervisions
2023-2024 Sibo Liu “The Malthusian Mechanism in the Song Dynasty”, M2 QEA, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Dans le cadre du projet « TOFLIT18», j’ai encadré les étudiants suivants :
2021 : Judith Jacquinot (M1 Dauphine Quantitative Economics - Slave trade profits - 2 mois)
2017 : Paul Chevret (L3 Dauphine - retranscription et indices de prix - 4 mois) ; Matthias Loise (M1 Dauphine - prix aberrants - 6 mois) ; Maëlle Stricot (L3 CPES - indices de prix - un mois)
2016 : Ramillo Parungao (ISC Paris - Retranscriptions - 2 mois) ; Florence Peret (M1 UVSQ - produits exotiques - 4 mois) ; Corentin Ponton (M1 Dauphine - Traité d’Eden - 3 mois) ; Quentin Vidal (M1 TSE - identification des biens - 3 mois)
2015 : Federico d’Onofrio (Postdoc de Yale - Commerce des céréales) ; Cyril Mouton (L3 Dauphine - Gestion des données - 3 mois) ; Elisa Maria Tirindelli (M1 PSE - Effet des Guerres sur le commerce - mémoire de M2)
2014 : Alexandre Aubourg (M1 SciencesPo - Commerce de Hambourg - 3 mois) ; Jérémy Hervelin (M1 Paris-I - Suivi des retranscriptions - 3 mois) ; Pierre Hollegien (M2 Dauphine - Commerce des médicaments - 3 mois)
Thesis committees
2024 Wenliang Li (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL) “Structural Change, Economic Growth and Regional Disparities in Post-reform China” Supervisors : Lise Patureau and Gilles Saint-Paul President of the committee
2024 Matteo Neri-Lainé (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), “International Trade and Firm Activity in an Insecure World” Supervisors : Emmanuelle Lavallée and Gianluca Orefice. President of the committee
2023-2024: Member of the “Comité de suivi de thèse” of Joseph Enguehard (“State Capacity, Violence and Divergence”), ENS de Lyon, under the supervision of Jean-Pascal Bassino
2020-2022: Member of the «Comité de suivi de thèse» of Pierre-Niccolo Sofia (« Les perles vénitiennes dans le monde interconnecté. Étude d’un commerce global au XVIIIe siècle »), Université Nice Côte d’Azur, under the supervision of Silvia Marzagalli and Corinne Maitte
2018-2022: Member of the «Comité de suivi de thèse» of Louis Bissière (« Economie du réseau et ressources individuelles : mesurer leur performance dans la distribution marchande au XVIIIe siècle. » under the supervision of Anne Conchon and Pierre Gervais)
2017-2020: Member of the «Comité de suivi de thèse» of Arnold Njike («Trade costs, Trade performance and Global value chains » under the supervision of Jean-Marc Siroën), Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
2020 : Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu (Université de Caen Normandie), La Normandie dans l’économie Atlantique au 18e siècle Production, commerce et crises, supervisors : Professor Michel Biard, Professor Jean-Marc Moriceau.
2020: Arnold Njike (Université de Paris Dauphine-PSL), Trade costs, Trade performance and Global value chains, supervisor : Professor Jean-Marc Siroën. Président du jury
2018: Franz Zobl (LSE), Regional Economic Development under Trade Liberalization, Technological Change and Market Access, supervisors : Professor Joan Roses, Professor Max-Stephan Schulze.
2017 Cyril Milhaud (EHESS) Sacré Crédit! The Rise and Fall of Ecclesiastical Credit in Early Modern Spain, sous la direction de Jérôme Bourdieu, Rapporteur.
2016: Marguerite Martin (Paris-I), Les Marchés de l’indigo en France. Flux, acteurs, produits (XVIIe - XVIIIe siècles), sous la direction de Dominique Margairaz.
2016: Léo Charles (Bordeaux), Protection, spécialisation et croissance économique pendant la première mondialisation en France et en Suisse (1850-1913), Sous la direction de Bertrand Blancheton et Stéphane Bécuwe, rapporteur
2015: Jaime Rafael AHCAR OLMOS (Dauphine), An inquiry on Regional Trade Integration and Trade Potentials. Sous la direction de Jean-Marc Siroën, Président du jury.
2011: Xin WANG (Lille-I), An economic and political assessment of carbon policies in China. Sous la direction d’Alain Ayong Le Kama
HDR committees
2022: Guillaume Bazot, The consequences of financial liberalization on the cost of capital : A Macro-historical perspective. Sous la direction de Claude Diebolt.
2018: Elise Huillery, Human Capital, Psychology, and Poverty. Sous la direction de Philippe de Vreyer
2012: Pierre Gervais, De la discontinuité historique : économie, politique et temporalités, États-Unis-France, xviiie-xixe. Sous la direction de Dominique Margairaz
Since 2017 : Member of the advisory committee of RICARDO (
Since 2013 : Participation to the «Égalité des Chances» program in Paris-Dauphine
Since 2007 : With Loïc Charles, organization of an international network of researchers on early trade statistics. Creation of two mailing lists : 18c_trade_data et hist_trade_stat
4th à l’Agrégation du supérieur en économie (nommé à Lille 1)
Université Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne / London School of Economics
PhD in Economics
Le rôle du commerce dans la croissance : une réflexion à partir de la France du XVIIIe siècle
Surpervisors: Antoine d’Autume (Paris-I) and Nicholas Crafts (LSE)
Granted with full honors and a publication subvention
Received the annual thesis price of the Association Française de Science Economique in 2001
Université Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne
DEA “Analyse Macroéconomique, Modélisation, et Conjoncture”
Equivalent to a high-level M.S. in Economics with honors
Dissertation title: Endogenous Growth and Financial Markets
École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Économique
Statistic and Economic Administration National School
Equivalent to a M.S. in Statistics and Economics
Université Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne
BSc in History
Lycée Janson de Sailly
Hypokhâgne et khâgne S
Undergraduated classes in Mathematics and Social Sciences to prepare for Grandes Écoles’s competitive exams
Non-academic positions
Christie’s, Wine Department (London)
Statistical and administrative work
Summer 1995
INSEE (Cayenne, Guyane)
Summer 1994
French economic office (Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia)
Summer 1990
7 à Paris magazine (Paris)